Dominik Stadler's Repositories
Last updated at: 2025-03-26 01:24:10 -0400
Total received stars for repos: 2822
Total forks from repos: 773
- jgit-cookbook
Provides examples and code snippets for the JGit Java Git implementation
Stars: 1778 | Forks: 508 - poi-on-android
A sample project that shows how Apache POI can be used in an Android application
Stars: 367 | Forks: 90 - generate-and-send-ssh-key
Script to automate the setup of ssh-public/private-key authentication to avoid some common pitfalls
Stars: 206 | Forks: 78 - headset-charge-indicator
A simple app-indicator for GNOME desktops to display the battery charge of some wireless headsets which also allows to control some functions like LEDs, sidetone and others.
Stars: 136 | Forks: 18 - CommonCrawlDocumentDownload
A small tool which uses the CommonCrawl URL Index to download documents with certain file types or mime-types. This is used for mass-testing of frameworks like Apache POI and Apache Tika
Stars: 65 | Forks: 18 - IntelliJ-Action-IDs
Create and publish a list of available ActionIDs for the IntelliJ plugin system by recursively searching through the jar-files and producing HTML via Jekyll
Stars: 38 | Forks: 4 - poi-mail-merge
Small application which allows to repeatedely replace markers in a Microsoft Word document with items taken from a CSV/Microsoft Excel file to provide a simple mail-merge functionality
Stars: 35 | Forks: 24 - JGitFS
JGitFS provides access to Git branches/tags/commits like they are separate directories via a Linux FUSE userland filesystem
Stars: 30 | Forks: 5 - ministocks
Android Stocks Widget
Stars: 7 | Forks: 0 - github-version-statistics
Uses the GitHub API to search for usages of a Java library and prepares some statistics about which versions are used how often
Stars: 4 | Forks: 3 - commons-dost
Utilitity library for stuff that I use in multiple projects
Stars: 4 | Forks: 2 - commons-audio
A small library of code-pieces that I find useful when developing tools and applications around handling of audio, playing sound, downloading audio from certain websites
Stars: 4 | Forks: 0 - amazon-product-api
Amazon Scraper. Scrape products from the amazon search result or reviews from the specific product
Stars: 4 | Forks: 1 - actions
Repository of reusable Github workflows
Stars: 4 | Forks: 0 - poi-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache POI
Stars: 3 | Forks: 0 - file-leak-postprocess
A small tool to post-process output from running an application with file-leak-detector
Stars: 3 | Forks: 1 - cli-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache Commons CLI
Stars: 3 | Forks: 0 - unoconv-ppa
unoconv sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - tika-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache Tika
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - pi4j
Java I/O library for Raspberry Pi (GPIO, I2C, SPI, UART)
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - phpmyadmin-cli
Bringing phpMyAdmin to the command-line.
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - oss-fuzz
OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software.
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - openambit-ppa
Openambit sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 2 | Forks: 1 - IntelliJ-Automation-Plugin
Plugin for IntelliJ IDE which provides a REST interface to automatically trigger actions in a running instance of IntelliJ IDE
Stars: 2 | Forks: 2 - gwt-gradle-example-issue81
Reproducer for reported issue #81 in the gwt-gradle-plugin
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - gradle-openjpa
gradle-plugin that enhances entity-classes with OpenJPA code
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - git-ftp-ppa
Git-ftp sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for building for PPA
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - file-type-detection
A small tool to use Apache Tika to determine the mime-type of all files in a directory
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - file-leak-detector
Java agent that detects file handle leak
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - EveryTile
DataField App for garmin edge cycling computers
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - elasticsearch-reindex-tool
Elasticsearch reindexing tool.
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - elasticsearch
Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
Stars: 2 | Forks: 1 - demo-fuzz
Minimal application for fuzzy-testing of Java code via the Jazzer fuzzer
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - debhelper-ppa
Debhelper sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - cover-the-world
A tool which reads GPX tracks and produces a world-map which displays covered "tiles", i.e. ~1.5km squares
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - config
Helper project which stores some config-files that I would like to have on every machine that I work on
Stars: 2 | Forks: 1 - commons-test
Utilitity library for testing stuff that I use in multiple projects
Stars: 2 | Forks: 1 - commons-htmlunit
Common HtmlUnit utility methods that I find useful in various projects
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - antlr-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of antlr v4
Stars: 2 | Forks: 0 - xmlbeans
A fork of - that project is no longer maintained but Apache POI still depends on it
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - vanilla
Vanilla Music Player for Android
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - ufo-esp32
2nd generation of Dynatrace UFO with ESP32 microcontroller
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - tpm2-tss-ppa
tpm2-tss sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - tob-ppa
Tob (tape oriented backup) sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - TM1638plus
An Arduino library to display data on a 8-digit TM1638 seven segment module This library supports the (8 KEY & 8 LED) variant which has 8 LED's and 8 Push buttons, and the (16 KEY QFY) variant which has 16 pushbuttons. Light memory footprint.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - tellico-ppa
Tellico sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - TarsosDSP
A Real-Time Audio Processing Framework in Java
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - svnkit
Patched svnkit used in Hudson
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - subversion-ppa
Subversion sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - subversion-plugin
Jenkins subversion plugin
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - subversion-19-ppa
Subversion sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - soundkonverter-ppa
Soundkonverter sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - simple-scan-ppa
simple-scan sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 4 - Simple-Gallery
A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - scribus-ppa
Scribus sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - rpi-node-camera
Host a web server with images from the Raspberry Pi camera
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - RadioDroid
radio browser app that uses on android
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - qrencode-ppa
qrencode sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - py-tm1638
Python code for Raspberry Pi and TM1638 module (8 char, 7 seg display, 16 buttons)
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - poi-regression-test
A tool to perform regression testing for Apache POI on a very large corpus of test-files
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - poi-benchmark
Some automated benchmarks of POI buildsystem and some POI functionality together with results
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - poi
Mirror of Apache POI
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - pkg-kde-tools.ppa
pkg-kde-tools sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - pipewire-ppa
pipewire sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - patternfly-react
A set of React components for the PatternFly project.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - parameterized-trigger-plugin
Jenkins parameterized-trigger plugin
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - pacpl-ppa
PACPL sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - osmviz
An OpenStreetMap Visualization Toolkit for Python
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - osmtilemaker
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - openjpa-gradle-plugin
Fork of openjpa-gradle-plugin
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - openconnect-ppa
openconnect sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - onedrive-ppa
Onedrive sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - oh-brother
A simple cross-platform utility written in Python which can update Brother printer firmwares
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - ocserv-ppa
ocserv sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - ntp-ppa
ntp sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - MultiplicativeDigitalRoot
This project plays with the mathematical topics of "Multiplicative digital roots" and "Multiplicative Persistence"
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - mtools-ppa
Mtools sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for building for PPA with support for xz created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - mp3splt-ppa
mp3splt sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - mp3splt-gtk-ppa
mp3splt-gtk sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - mp3gain-ppa
mp3gain sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - marble-qt4-ppa
Marble sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for building for PPA with support for Qt4 instead of Qt5 created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - log4j2-vulnerability-reproduce
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - libmp3splt-ppa
libmp3splt sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - laminar-ppa
Laminar sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - kphotoalbum-ppa
KPhotoAlbum sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - konsole-ppa
konsole sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - kdesvn-ppa
Kdesvn sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - JMX-Extensions
Dynatrace Platform JMX extensions
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - jazzer
Coverage-guided, in-process fuzzing for the JVM
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - jajuk
Advanded jukebox for users with large or scattered music collections
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - jacococoveragecolumn-plugin
Plugin for Jenkins to add a column for coverage results from the JaCoCo plugin
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - imaging-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache Commons Imaging
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - heatmap
Python script for generating high quality heatmaps based on any coordinate data (GPS tracks, eye tracking, etc).
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - HeadsetControl
Sidetone support for Logitech G930, G533, G633, G933 SteelSeries Arctis 7/PRO 2019 and Corsair VOID (Pro) in Linux and MacOSX
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - hash4j-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of hash4j
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - graphite-fabric
fabric-graphite is a fabric script to install Graphite and all dependencies on a debian-based host (with optional vagrant support)
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - gradle-plugin-blank
Gradle plugin template project
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - gpx2route
Convert GPX files to route files suitable for upload to Suunto Ambit sports watches via Openambit
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - glabels-ppa
Glabels sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - git-ppa
Git sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - fuse-jna
A Java library providing JNA bindings to FUSE. Should work on both Linux and OS X.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - forbidden-apis
Policeman's Forbidden API Checker
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - firmata4j
firmata4j is a Firmata client written in Java.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - firehol-ppa
firehol sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - EventFahrplan
An Android app to enjoy event schedules powered by Frab, Pretalx or Wafer.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - elasticsearch-definitive-guide
The Definitive Guide to Elasticsearch
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - Dynatrace-OneAgent-Ansible
This Ansible role installs Dynatrace OneAgent.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - dynatrace-monitoring-as-code
This tool automates deployment of Dynatrace Monitoring Configuration to one or multiple Dynatrace environments.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - dynatrace-metric-utils-java
Java Utility for interacting with the Dynatrace Metrics v2 API
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - dynahist-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of dynahist
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - dynahist
DynaHist: A Dynamic Histogram Library for Java
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - dpkg-ppa
Dpkg sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - digikam-ppa
Digikam sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - csv-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache Commons CSV
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - configuration-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache Commons Configuration
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - compress-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache Commons Compress
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - commons-collections
Mirror of Apache Commons Collections
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - codec-fuzz
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache Commons Codec
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - cerebro
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 -
Some pages with some statistics about Github
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - bzstats
Query the Apache bugzilla instance for bug-counts and use R to produce an SVG with a chart of how bug-counts evolved
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - bless-ppa
Bless sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - BenfordsLaw
Sample application showing Benford's Law by looking at file sizes on the local disk
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - aws-ant-tasks
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - ansible
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications — automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
Stars: 1 | Forks: 1 - .github
Default community health files
Stars: 1 | Forks: 0 - tlpui-ppa
tlpui sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - selenium
A browser automation framework and ecosystem.
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - restler-fuzzer
RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - polarsteps-data-parser
Parse & backup data of travel tracking app Polarsteps
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - poi-reproduce-signature
Shows a regression in JDK 21.0.1
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - poi-reproduce
Simple project to reproduce some behavior with different versions of Apache POI
Stars: 0 | Forks: 1 - osm-tile-proxy
Open Street Map tiles proxy for leafLets
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - openstreetmap-tile-server
Docker file for a minimal effort OpenStreetMap tile server
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - openjpa-reproduce
Reproducer for
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - interrupt
A community for embedded software makers.
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - gpt3-app
Playground for building a app with integration of GPT-3, see
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - fuzz-introspector
Fuzz Introspector -- introspect, extend and optimise fuzzers
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - easy-cass-stress
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - commons-compress
Apache Commons Compress
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0 - borg
Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption.
Stars: 0 | Forks: 0
This page is updated on push and periodically via Github Actions.